Senin, 11 Februari 2008

my research

The Shading Effect for Hylocereus u. Growth


Agung Sulistiono The Shading Effect for Hylocereus u. Growth that mentored by Rini Budi Hastuti and Sri Haryanti

Hylocereus undatus is a cacti plant that populer and used as under stem in grafted cacti. It is an exotic fruit product that known as dragonfruit.
Sunlight is one of many factors that affect to Hylocereus life.
From above statement we have an idea to research the best effect of shading at Hylocereus undatus growth.

This research was done in Juni 2002 until Septembember 2002 in Green House and Biology Structure and Function Plant Lab. at Biology Major FMIPA UNDIP, the research used complete random arrangement.Treatments to the plants were shading used "strimin"(material from plastic shaped like little paranet)in different degree of thickness.

The treatment devided into 4 treatment.first without shading for control, second shading with 1 layer of strimin, third 2 layers of strimin,fourth 3 layers of strimin and the plants cultured under the treatments for about 3 months.input Data analysed with ANOVA in test degree 5% if there's real difference would test by duncan test.

Parameters that observed were wet weight, dry weight,length of root, and length of plant.Result of the research show that there's no real different in all parameters at ANOVA analysis with degree of test 5%, although there's tendness to increase in wet weight, length of root in second treatment.Conclusion of the research is shading not affect for real to Hylocereus growth in 3 months of culture.

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